Love Shine A Light
Katrina And The Waves
ISRC: GBDNM1010071Tijdsduur: 3m:7s seconden
Uitgebracht: 2012-03-26

Plays per week
Artiesten op deze track
Katrina & The Waves
Laatst gespeeld
2025-03-15 13:20:47 - 100% NL2025-03-14 10:52:02 - Radio 10
2025-03-11 16:47:49 - Joe Belgie
2025-03-11 00:07:36 - Radio 10
2025-03-09 20:06:32 - VRT Radio 2
2025-03-08 05:51:39 - Radio 10
2025-03-06 16:46:54 - NPO Radio 5
2025-03-05 05:27:09 - 100% NL
2025-03-04 22:54:37 - Joe Belgie
2025-03-03 22:19:32 - VRT Radio 2
2025-03-03 15:57:32 - VRT Radio 2
2025-03-02 21:36:30 - 100% NL
2025-02-26 19:19:55 - Radio 10
2025-02-26 14:51:00 - Qmusic Belgie
2025-02-26 12:54:47 - Joe Belgie
2025-02-25 22:40:32 - VRT Radio 2
2025-02-25 15:15:11 - Joe
2025-02-23 22:44:15 - Radio 10
2025-02-22 10:42:32 - VRT Radio 2
2025-02-22 02:04:09 - Radio 10
2025-02-21 11:36:55 - Radio 10
2025-02-19 23:22:10 - 100% NL
2025-02-19 17:14:32 - VRT Radio 2
2025-02-19 08:34:55 - Joe Belgie
2025-02-18 10:10:32 - VRT Radio 2